We are a small congregation with a regular attendance of about 20 people. We are introverted, but friendly, with a sprinkling of extroverts who keep things lively.
For music, we usually sing hymns accompanied by piano, when our pianist is not gallivanting about the country, and acapella when necessary. We are also open to singing choruses. For special music, we enjoy solos, and mixed groups.
Bible preaching is the goal and focus of our services. We believe the Bible is the final authority on truth and that Christians should use the Bible to interpret the Bible, rather than projecting their own ideas. Preaching & teaching is mainly expository or textual, keeping the passage of the sermon in context.
We are grateful to have our church building completely paid off and a full-time pastor on staff. We strive to live within the means that God has given us, so that His name may not be tarnished.

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain."